Donor dollars and community-based partners are essential to our ability to extend superior care and support services to patients and families. Donations are used to fund local patient and grief support programs for Ohio’s Hospice of Butler & Warren Counties. Donations are managed by the Ohio’s Hospice Foundation. Additional information about the Foundation is available through GuideStar, a resource dedicated to preserving transparency of non-profit organizations and providing information to charitable donors.
If you have any questions or issues while filling out the online form below, please contact the Ohio’s Hospice Foundation at 937.258.5537. If you prefer to mail your donation, please make checks payable to Ohio’s Hospice of Butler & Warren Counties and mail to the attention of the Ohio’s Hospice Foundation, 324 Wilmington Ave., Dayton, OH 45420. If your gift is in memory of or in honor of someone, please include a notation with your check.
Thank you in advance for your generous support!